📊 Graphing Popsicles! 😋 Ms. Farris's students have been practicing their skip counting and graphing skills in math this week. These 1st graders created "twin-pops" to count 2 sticks per popsicle. Later on, students voted on the top 3 favorite flavors of popsicles, which were strawberry, blueberry, and root beer, and to work on their graphing skills. After discussing the data, students decided that it would be great if their parents knew what the class's favorite popsicle flavors were! #FarmerFun #Enjoy
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
1st Math
1st Math
⛵Mrs. Collin's Inventive "Crew" ⛵ 3rd graders in Mrs. Collin's class used their problem solving skills & creativity to create an inventions. The "crew" had to figure how to invent something that will allow them to drink fresh water while floating around in a salt water ocean. It was inspiring seeing all the hard work and thought put in to this exercise by our students. There are definitely some future inventors in this class! #FarmerFun #Enjoy
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
Mrs. Pohl's Class Space Glowsticks Mrs. Pohl's 3rd graders have been learning about outer space recently. The class worked in groups to investigate space while using glowsticks! #Enjoy #FarmerFun
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
Starting Wednesday September 1st ALL milks that are for cold lunches or second milks will be charge to students accounts, students must have money on their account in order to purchase. Money can be sent with student and given to the Elementary office or paid online on the district website. Each milk is $.35. Reminder ALL breakfast and lunch meals are FREE for ALL students!
over 3 years ago, Laken Slack
This morning Mrs. Cooper's 5th grade class reviewed Habit 6: Synergize and worked on teamwork as they played Headbands! Each student got a card with a character on it. Students had to rely on their classmates to give them clues to lead them to guessing who their character was. It was a hit and the students are already begging to play again soon!
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
Mrs. Kepler's Class: Using Tech to Practice Habit 5 Mrs. Kepler's class incorporated Google Jamboard into their lesson on the 5th Habit of Happy Kids. Students shared stories of how they have treated others the way we want to be treated! Team 6 was very creative in how they used their stickie notes to share their thoughts and experiences!
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
Habit 5
Kindergarten First Week Fun! Our kindergarten Farmers have had an awesome first full week of school. They have already started to get settled in to classrooms, PE, Music, recess, and even lunch time! #FarmerFun #Enjoy
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
We have almost completed our first full week of school! During this week FCES students have been able to share out who they are with their classmates and teachers. Here are just a few pictures of our outstanding students' work! #FarmerFun #Enjoy
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
Ms. Fisher's class got outside and took some time to learn about the 1st Habit of Happy Kids while getting a mask break in! #FarmerFun #Enjoy
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
***The FJHS & FCES Yearbook deadline has been extended to the last week in June. Order your yearbook today!!! Order Information: https://www.dist265.com/article/434409 Order Site: ybpay.lifetouch.com Order Code: 14309221
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
🎈#ELB21 1st Graders Synergizing!🎈 1st Graders learned about habit #6 Synergizing. Students played a balloon game where they had to work together to keep the balloons in the air. They had a great time and learned working together is better! #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
⛵#ELB21 5th Grade SEL: Shrinking Vessel🦈 5th graders had to use teamwork to figure out how to get the entire group in a rectangle on the ground surrounded by sharks. After much trial and error, they needed a little help from Mr. Littrel to come up with a winning plan. After reflecting on the activity, students felt they could’ve done better by incorporating the following healthy habits: Beginning with a Plan in Mind, Thinking Win-Win and Seeking First to Understand and Then be Understood.
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
#ELB21 Synergizing Second Graders! Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Fauser, and Ms. Thompson are having their 2nd graders work on healthy habit #6: SYNERGIZE! Students were given the task of engineering the tallest tower they can while working with their tables buddies. Check out the student collaboration and design! #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
💦#ELB21 3rd Keeping Fred Dry! 💦 3rd graders have stepped up to the challenge of trying to Keep Fred Dry! Check out the instructions and all the hard work/team work these innovative students have! #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
#ELB21 First Things First w/ 1st! 1st grade learned about Habit #3 today: Put First Things First. We made rock jars and learned the importance of prioritizing, time management, and organization. The big rocks represent things that are the most important and urgent (ex: Family, health, school/work). The smaller rocks are things that are important, but not urgent (ex: Watching TV, playing games, talking to friends). The sand is the remaining small stuff (ex: toys and material things). #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
#ELB21 Kindergarten "What is it?" Game! Last week, the kindergarten class played a game call "What is it?" They used the listening and attending skills they learned to guess the mystery item. Can you guess the mystery item? It lives in the garden, it has 2 body parts and 8 legs. #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
#ELB21 Growth Mind Set Portraits Last week, the 5th grade students made self portraits using construction paper to go along with their growth mindset lessons. #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
🐟#ELB21 3rd Graders Think WIN-WIN! 🐟 3rd graders in the Extended Learning Block practiced one of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids today. Habit 4 Think Win-Win! They used the story The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister to practice this habit and created their own fish! #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
⚽***#ELB21 Kindergarten Crew Having a Ball!***⚽ Our kindergarteners practiced their team work and problem solving skills when trying to pass the ball with their feet to their classmates. The students could not use their hands or letting it touch the ground! This was a challenge but they all worked together and found the most efficient way to pass the ball all the way around the circle. They did so well we thought we would share some pictures with you! #ENJOY #FarmerFUN
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson
Extended Learning Block Rocks!!! 🎨 2nd graders in the Extended Learning Block are "rocking" it! In between lessons, Mrs. Colllins, Mrs. Fauser and Ms. Thompson's students came together to paint their rocks. It looked like they were having a blast! Don't just take my word on it...the attached video shows what the kids think! https://youtu.be/I2JjBcXkfyI
over 3 years ago, Clint Mathewson