Buses are on the way #HeadingHome

The bus lot is empty #HeadingHome

A short delay but the buses are on the way!

Buses are on the way #HeadingHome

Buses are on the way!

The bus lot is empty #HeadingHome

FCES is looking for JA classroom volunteers for grades K-5. Volunteers receive training and a kit of materials. Each kit contains easy to follow speaking points and materials for hands-on learning activities. The programs require 5 classroom visits with lessons of 30–45 minutes per visit. The classroom visits are scheduled by the volunteer and educator in a way that works best for both. Contact JA for more information and an updated list of available classrooms: kate.whetstone@ja.org or 309-682-1800 ext 101 Volunteer FAQ http://bit.ly/2ntCjWD

Blackout shirts are making their way home today and tomorrow! We just finished sorting them and now working on delivery. Students will need to check orders before leaving to make sure all orders are correct. Thanks so much everyone for supporting Easter Seals!

FCES is recognizing students who go above and beyond! Earn a ticket, choose a square, wait and see which square is drawn for "Leadership Lunch" each Friday. We're so proud of our student leaders! #FCES #WeAreFarmers #LEAD

We had our first celebration of classes who had 96% attendance for the week. Classes that were recognized and received a trophy were 5th Grade- Geller, Herridge, Littrel, Munger; 4th Grade- Reeder, Jordan, Morse; 3rd Grade- Hanlin, Harding, Collins, Fisher; 2nd Grade- Stockham, Fauser, Riccioni; 1st Grade- Layer, Sexton, Minard, Thurman; Kindergarten- Fruendt, Lindmark, Unkrich. Congratulations to these classes and keep up the good work!

FCES had our 1st morning meeting of the year today- great way to start the day! #FCES #FarmerFriday #MorningMeeting #7Habits #TLIM #Leaders

School is off to a great start at FCES! Thanks to our PTO for the red carpet welcome this morning #Farmers #FCES

FCES Class Placements are now live in Skyward. Your teachers are very excited to meet you!

Another round of Kindergarten Boot Camp is in the books. Next up- the real deal on August 15th!

Wildlife rehabilitator and district resident Marge Bjorklund brought a variety of birds to FCES to round out a summer of bird research by our summer tutoring students.