Good Morning Farmers! Today is Thursday Dec. 15
No birthdays today
Lunch for today: Nachos, western burger, and pb&j
Today is the Rivermen Field Trip! We will be leaving around 8:45-9:00! Please make sure you have your lunches packed or money for the concession stand. If you purchased a lunch voucher or have a school lunch, we will hand them out when we hand out tickets this morning. Please make sure you have everything BEFORE we leave!
This evening is the JH Band and Chorus Winter Concert. The concert begins at 6:30 in the High School Auditorium.
Tomorrow night, the FCJHS student council will be hosting a dance from 7-9pm in the junior high and elementary cafeterias. Admittance is $5 at the door. We look forward to seeing you there. Please enter through the bus lot.
FCA will be meeting in Miss Clayton's room this Friday at 7:30.
Sixth graders, there is a New Years Volleyball camp at the YMCA December 28. If you are interested in this event, there are flyers in the office with all the information.
At this time, will you please rise for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
I am respectful
I am responsible
I am safe
I am prepared
Today is International Tea Day and since tonight is the band concert, this joke is for the band students. What do you get when you pour a pot of tea down a rabbit hole? Hot, cross bunnies!
Also, you should never accept tea offered by the Russian president. You don’t know what Valdimir Putin.
Have a great day Farmers!