Farmington Central Junior High

Good Morning Farmers!  Today is Tuesday, October 18.

Lunch for today: spaghetti, cheese quesadilla, and pb&j

Happy Birthday to 7th grade student Gage Galyean.

 Junior High Cross Country Runners - Banquet slips uniforms, and Warm ups are due to Mrs. Marvel or Mrs. Wilson today!.   

 7th & 8th Grade boys basketball tryouts are continuing tonight from  3:15-5:30. 

 Good luck to the girls basketball team as they host Chillicothe with a game beginning at 5:00

 5th and 6th grade girls and boys interested in basketball, sign ups will be Tuesday, October 25 and Sunday, October 30th at 6pm in the JH Cafeteria. Please enter through the Lot B cafeteria doors. 

 At this time, will you please rise for the pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

I am respectful

I am responsible

I am safe

I am prepared

 Today is National Chocolate Cupcake Day.  Do you know what the difference is between a baseball chocolate cupcake and a baseball chocolate muffin?  The batter.

 Have a great day Farmers!