Good Morning Farmers! Today is Thursday March 31st and today is National Crayon Day. Do you know which crayon at the Crayola factory is in charge of answering the phones? Yellow!?
Lunch today: Nachos, Western Burger, PB&J, and cooks choice
Good luck 8th grade students as you continue your IAR testing today. It’s your LAST IAR test!!! Best of luck and lets finish strong! Do you best!
Good luck to the Scholastic Bowl team with a match at Spoon River Valley. Bus will leave at 3:15. Please meet in Mrs. Beoletto’s room after school.
High School Cheer packets are available in the JH office for any interested 8th grader. Please turn in packets by noon today.
8th Grade students: On Friday, Mr. Uptmor sent you a Google Form regarding input for speakers at our promotion night. Please take a moment and fill out this form. If you did not receive this Google Form, please let Mr. Uptmor know by email, and he will make sure you get a form.
8th Graders who would like to apply for the 2022-23 Harvest Leadership Team for next year, please see your email for the application. It is due on Monday April 11. Interviews will be the following two days. Please read all instructions on the application. You may submit the application in the Junior High Office by noon April 11. Late applications will not be accepted. Any questions, please email Mr. Lambert.
Also, 8th graders please get your permission slips for the Promotion Dance to the office ASAP.
At this time, will you please rise for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.