Farmington Farmers

Good Morning Farmers!  Today is Wednesday Feb. 16th and today is National Almond Day.  True story…a semi truck carrying almonds and another semi truck carrying glitter collided on the interstate yesterday.  There was almonds and glitter everywhere.  That’s pretty nuts.

 Lunch today: Cheese Pizza Bread, Farmer Salad, and Pretzel w/Cheese

 Attention students! Track sign ups are in the junior high office. This is a great group to belong to. If you have questions, ask coach Gilstrap or coach Wilson. We will have an informational meeting on Friday in room 372 during FLC, in the old computer room. 

 FCJHS StuCo is sponsoring a Farmers Feeding Farmers canned food drive until this Friday. Please place your non-perishable food items under your favorite Super Bowl team in the JH Research Center. Thank you in advance for your support.

 Tomorrow, we are forecasted to receive a winter storm that could impact our school day tomorrow.  While absolutely no decision has been made as of 8:00 this morning regrading a possibility of us not being here tomorrow, I want you to be prepared in case we do have remote learning day.  Please make sure you have your chrome books and chargers, as well as anything else you might need to have a successful day tomorrow.  We will let you know about tomorrow as soon as we know something.

 At this time, will you please rise for the pledge:

 I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.