Good Morning Farmers! Today is Tuesday, March 4th!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Davies!
Lunch for today is Chicken n noodles, western burger or PBJ
Good luck to the Scholastic team at a home match starting at 4 pm.
6th Grade Students - Please bring your chromebooks to PE today!
Students don’t forget to add your messages to our Uplift page! Need to thank a friend or a teacher for something they did? Let’s spread positivity in our school and give them a shout out on our Uplift page!
After school tutoring today is with Mrs. Vahle in room 397.
Pi Day is coming! Mrs. Thrush is hosting two contests:
*Pi Memorization – Recite the most digits of pi on March 13 to win a t-shirt! (During class for her students, 9th/10th hours for others.)
*Pi Day T-Shirt Design – Submit a hand-drawn Pi Day design by March 10. One winner per grade will win a t-shirt! See your math teacher for details.
Winners announced March 14! Good luck!
At this time, will you please rise for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Farmer Four:
I am respectful
I am responsible
I am safe
I am prepared
Today is National Grammar Day! The past, present, and future all walk into a restaurant. It was tense.
Have a great day Farmers!