Good Morning Farmers! Today is Friday, February 14th! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Birthday on Saturday to McKinley Gilmore!
Lunch for today is Nachos, beef burrito w/ cheese topping or PBJ
Congratulations to the jr high scholastic bowl team for defeating both Princeville and Hollis this week! Starting the Season Off Strong!
Good luck to the Science Olympiad team who will be competing in Regionals at WIU tomorrow!
Good luck to the volleyball team going to Spoon River Valley playing at 6 pm. Bus leaves at 5:15 pm.
At this time, will you please rise for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Farmer Four:
I am respectful
I am responsible
I am safe
I am prepared
Today is Valentine’s Day!
Have a great day Farmers!