Good Morning Farmers! Today is Monday, January 27th!
Happy Birthday ½ birthday to Cody Lettow!
Lunch for today is: Hot dog, Farmer sub or PBJ
We want to congratulate the 7th grade boys basketball team on a great season. They lost on Saturday against Chillicothe to end their season. We look forward to seeing what they can do in the future!
After school tutoring will be with Mrs. Vahle in room 397.
Any 8th grader with a Jostens order needed to turn it into the office ASAP.
At this time, will you please rise for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Farmer Four:
I am respectful
I am responsible
I am safe
I am prepared
Today is National Bubble Wrap Day! My wife asked me to get a 30 yard roll of bubble wrap from the attic. When I brought it to her, her hands were full. She told me just to go pop it in the corner. Took me over an hour!
Have a great day Farmers!