It is Wednesday February 26th and today is National Tell a Fairy Tell Day. What do frog princes like to eat with their hamburgers? French flies!
Today for lunch we have Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks, Chicken Stir Fry, or Pretzel with cheese cup.
Congratulations to Varsity Scholastic Bowl team on their 185-50 victory over Canton yesterday! Both teams play again tomorrow at 3:45 in Brimfield.
High school cheer tryout packets are in the office for any 8th grade students interested in doing cheer next year. Junior High tryout packets are in the office as well.
Indoor/Winter Run Club will meet this Wednesday and Thursday beginning after school until 4:40 p.m. Please meet in Mrs. Wilson's room dressed and prepare to stretch and run. This is open to all 6, 7, and 8 graders not in any extracurricular at this time. Be sure to have your ride here to pick you up.
Student Council will be hosting our second spirit assembly of the year. We will be having a spirit war between the classes. On Friday, each grade level is assigned a color to wear. Sixth graders - You are yellow. Seventh graders - You are black. Eighth grade - You are purple. The school dress code still applies. Wear your color with pride!
Good luck to the 7th grade volleyball team as they continue to play in the Fulton County Tournament this evening.
Please rise for the pledge:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Have a great day Farmers!