It is Friday February 14th and today is Valentine’s Day. What do you call the world’s smallest Valentine’s Day card? A valen-teeny.
Today for lunch we have Nachos, Western Burger, or PBJ.
Good luck to the girls volleyball team as they take on North Fulton this afternoon in games beginning at 4:30. Also good luck to the 8th grade volleyball team as they travel to Lewistown this weekend for the Fulton Co. Tournament.
Attention Student Council members, the full council will meet on February 19.
The meeting has been changed for all 8th graders that are interested in playing football next year. The new time for the meeting is today at 2:45 and will be held in the JH gym.
Cell Phones - This is just a reminder to everyone that cell phones are to be turned off and put in your locker during instructional time. Students are allowed to use cell phones during your lunch period and before and after school. However, it has came to my attention that we have students here who are not using their phones according to the handbook and the rules. Please review the student handbook regarding the cellphone policy and the consequences that come with misusing your phone at school. Don’t be the reason we stop allowing cell phones at lunch. Thank you.
Finally, this is a reminder that there is no school on Monday February 17th.
Please rise for the pledge:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Have a great day Farmers!