Today for lunch we have Pizza Bread, Farmer Salad, or Pretzel and Cheese Cup.
This is just a reminder that we will have our first Best Buddies event on Thursday, 9/26 at 7:30 for our elementary and JH students in the staff dining room. It will be students can enjoy some breakfast treats! We have approximately 60 students total participating in Best Buddies this year. We have a great group of leaders and are excited for our first event!
We will also be having a staff planning meeting on October 9th at 3:15 in the staff dining room for anyone that would like to help prep for the October event. We have some great ideas and looking forward to sharing those with all of you!
Student Council results will be announced Friday. Have you completed your application yet? Make sure to complete all sections of the application and turn it in to Miss Clayton or Mrs. Lettow no later than 3 PM tomorrow!
Speech Team - For those who can attend, the first practice is Thursday until 4:30. Meet in Mrs. Springer's room. Remember tshirt orders and memorize!
This is a reminder that there is an EARLY DISMISSAL ON FRIDAY at 12:15 PM. Students are expected to leave the building as there will be teacher's working in the afternoon. We do not have extra staff available to watch. Homecoming Parade is at 3:00 PM. Students are encouraged to wear Purple and Gold or their Farmer Spirit Gear on Friday as the Varsity Football takes on Havana at the Homecoming Game.
Also, just a reminder that if you are attending the football game Friday night., a parent, or a parent of someone you came to the game with, must be in the stadium. We have designated
spot in the bleachers for Jr. High Students. We expect that you are in the bleachers in that area, or sitting with your parents. Thank you for your cooperation on this!