Morning Announcements 3.11.2019

Bulletin – March 11, 2019             


  • Congratulations to Gabe Benson & Addie Parr for their first team selection to the Prairieland All Conference Scholastic Bowl Team.


  • Attention ALL Juniors:  Junior class students will be participating in the upcoming field trips scheduled for March 18th and 19th to Spoon River College/WIU and Carl Sandburg/Monmouth College.  ALL juniors will participate in these trips BOTH days. At this time we need you to sign up for Group A or Group B in the office. These groups will determine who will be traveling together.  The deadline to choose your own group is Wednesday, March 13th. A group will be assigned to those students that have not signed themselves up.


  • Any students interested in trying out for the 2019-2020 varsity dance team needs to pick up a packet in the office. Any questions, contact Miss Clark.


  • Seniors: Secure your spot for the Senior Trip by paying a $50 down payment for Six Flags. Do so in the office. The cost of the trip is $100 total. Any questions see a senior class officer.


  • Students interested in trying out for 2019-2020 cheer, there are packets available to pick up in the office as well.  


  • Autism Awareness orders are due Wednesday March 13th. See Mrs. Pummill or Dr. Powell if you have any questions.


  • Please consider donating to the family of Ryder Armstrong to help raise money for a family member to walk in the St. Jude parade. Anything helps and it is greatly appreciated. Donation boxes are located in the office as well as the research center.


  • Wanting to play Omnikin Volleyball against the classes? Come join us April 16th at 6 o’clock for Alz in for Alzheimer’s. You can sign up for your classes team in the office, teams will be 8-10 players from each grade and the winner will get a chance to play a team of our own teachers! You can get a shirt order form in the office and the research center. Any questions please contact Abby Simpson.


  • Harvest team member Mackenzie Schaer will be hosting a teddy bear drive for Alzheimer’s patients throughout the month of March. Patients suffering from this disease often feel lost, scared and uncomfortable. Having a teddy bear or doll can be a very effective way to reduce stress and agitation as well as increase their overall state of mind. Please consider donating a new stuffed animal to this cause!! Boxes will be set up in the school for drop off. Thank you!!


  • Come on out for a fun Friday night Dodgeball tournament on April 5th and help support our staff and student St. Jude runners!! Get your teams together and grab a sign up sheet in the office.  Signups need to be turned into the office by THIS Wednesday, March 13th. Contact Bailey Kennelly if you have any questions.


Today’s Lunch: Double Cheeseburger or Farmer Nugget Bowl