Game club will meet on Thursday this week.
Seniors: be sure to work on selling donuts this week!! All orders are due to Mrs. Gibbs by this Thursday after school.
Senior Class is selling Tanners Orchard apple cider donuts for $16/dozen through October 27th. Payment due upon ordering. Checks payable to FCHS. Please contact a senior student or email to place an order. Donuts will be available for pick up from the high school office on Friday, November 4th at SIP dismissal. Thank you for supporting the Class of 2023!
There will be no tutoring this week during 4th hour.
FCHS Theatre Department proudly presents “The Play that Goes Wrong” this Friday October 28 and Saturday October 29 at 7 PM. Cost is $5 to attend. See you there.
There will be tryouts for both sideline and competitive cheerleading TODAY in Gym C after school for all who are interested.
The Red Cross Blood Drive will be Tuesday, November 1st from 9-2 PM in the gym. If you are interested in donating, you must be 16 years old and sign up at the table during lunch, which will start next week. Any questions, please contact Mr. Lambert.
Jostens will be meeting with the senior class TOMORROW during 4th hour in the auditorium to discuss graduation orders.
Bradley University will be in the cafeteria TOMORROW during lunch.
GSA will meet after school today in the Chorus Room (525).
Farmington wrestling season is quickly approaching. If you are interested in wrestling a sign-up sheet has been placed in the high school office. An informational meeting will be held TOMORROW October 25th during 4th hour. The first official practice will be held in the wrestling room November 7th at 3:20PM.
Illinois State University will be in the auditorium today during 4th hour for a meet and greet with any students interested.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Patty/Bun, Potato Bowl w/breadstick, or Farmer Sub Bar