LOST & FOUND: ALL lost items have been placed on a table outside the office. ALL items will be removed permanently after school TOMORROW.
Fall Senior Night will be held on Friday, October 21st. If you are a senior in Football, Cheer, or Band; please fill out the Senior Bio Google form that was sent to you by Mrs. Shaffer.
Senior Class is selling Tanners Orchard apple cider donuts for $16/dozen through October 27th. Payment due upon ordering. Checks payable to FCHS. Please contact a senior student or email sgibbs@dist265.com to place an order. Donuts will be available for pick up from the high school office on Friday, November 4th at SIP dismissal. Thank you for supporting the Class of 2023!
Game Club will meet after school TODAY.
GSA will meet after school TODAY in the Chorus Room (room 525).
The U.S. Army will be in the cafeteria TODAY during lunch.
Today’s Lunch: Nachos, Western Burger, or Farmer Sub Bar