Picture retakes are scheduled for Friday, September 30th.
Game club will meet after school TODAY.
The Freshman Officers will have another meeting TOMORROW (9/14/22) in Mrs. Burklund's Room.
There will be a mandatory meeting for Junior class officers and prom committee members this Friday, September 16th in Mrs. White's room during 4th hour.
FFA Meeting after school TOMORROW 9/14. If you are not seeing the announcements in FFA Classroom, see Mr. Look or Mrs. Plumer.
FFA will have a meet and greet before the Blackout game on Sept 16, watch for a sign up!
FFA Archery Shoot will be in Canton on Sept 24. Are you in FFA or Industrial Arts and enjoy archery. See Mrs. Plumer to find out how to participate.
Senior class shirts are now on sale. Please check google classroom for the form and more information. Shirt orders are due no later than this Thursday, September 15th!
ICC will be visiting the cafeteria TODAY during lunch.
A USMC Recruiter will be in the cafeteria on September 15th during lunch.
The senior class will be taking a field trip to Carl Sandburg College for a college fair.
Please submit a permission slip and field trip absence form to be eligible for the field trip.
There will be a Key Club meeting this Thursday in the art room at 7:30AM. If you are still interested in learning about this organization, please feel free to join! There is a lot to discuss. If you can't make it, please let Mrs. Simaytis know.
Sophomores, just a reminder Jostens will be back TOMORROW during homeroom and lunch hours to get ring orders placed. If you missed the class meeting last week, see Brandi in the office for a packet.
Today’s Lunch: French Toast, BBQ Pork/Bun, or Farmer Sub Bar