Congrats to the following Sophomore class officers!
President- Josie Webel
Vice President- Bella Archdale
Treasurer- Molly Zaborac
Secretary- Lydia Overcash
Freshmen Reminder: your paperwork for class officers is due TODAY by the end of the school day. If you do not have it turned in by then, your ability to be included on the ballot will be null and void.
Don’t forget to purchase your parking tag! They will start checking the parking lot following Labor Day weekend. Please place your decal on the inside of the front windshield, passenger side at the bottom of the window.
Cost for the 2022.2023 parking tag is $20.00 and is available for purchase from Mrs. Gibbs in the office.
Please complete the Student Vehicle Information Google Form that was emailed to you in order to obtain your tag. (Paper forms are available as well - in the organizer hanging outside the office.)
Blackout 2022 forms are in your email and are also printed off on the desk outside the office. Forms are due TOMORROW, Wednesday, August 31.
Game Club will meet Thursday this week.
FCHS Theatre Department proudly presents: The Play that Goes Wrong. Auditions will be Tuesday and Wednesday September 6th and 7th at 3:15 PM in the theatre. Please see Google Classroom for more information.
Any junior who does not have access to the class of 2024 google classroom page and would like access, please email Mrs. White.
The junior class will be selling lemonade shake-ups at the home football games this year. Juniors, if you'd like to help Mrs. White and Mr. Schroeder, please email either of them to be added to the volunteer list.
This Thursday, there will be a Key Club meeting. If you are still interested in learning about Key Club, feel free to join! Meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. in the art room. Hope to see you there!
Anyone interested in joining Art Club is welcome to attend the first meeting of the year, this Thursday (9/1/2022) during activity in the art room. Any questions, contact Mrs. Simaytis.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken-n-Noodles, Beef Burrito, or Farmer Sub Bar