homecoming info

Just wanted to share what FCHS Student Senate is creating for Homecoming this year. 

FCHS Proudly Presents: A Wonderful World of Homecoming 2022!

Dates: October 3-8, 2022
Daily Dress-Up Days
Float Building

Mark Your Calendars:

Volleyball Game- Monday October 3- vs. Lewistown HS
Powder Puff- Wednesday October 5th
Parade- Thursday October 6th at 5 PM (usual route)
Homecoming Football Game- Friday October 7th at 7 PM vs. Elmwood Trojans
Homecoming Dance- Saturday October 8th 7-10 PM - More information to come!

High School Dress-Up Days: 
Monday- Sleeping Beauty- Pajama Day
Tuesday- Toy Story- Country Western
Wednesday- Lilo and Stitch- Hawaiian Day
Thursday- Mary Poppins- Anything but a backpack day
Friday- Class Colors: Freshman- White; Sophomores- Gold; Juniors- Purple; Seniors- Black