  • There will be an Art Club meeting TODAY during activity hour. If you cannot make it, please take a look at Google Classroom for updates and meeting notes. 


  • For Bella Archdale’s Harvest Team project she has helped organize an Easter Egg Hunt with the Hanna City Park District.  The egg hunt is TOMORROW, April 9th from 11AM-2PM.  If you would like to volunteer please arrive around 10AM to help set up. Candy donations would be greatly appreciated.  Donations may be brought to the office by the end of today.  Thank you!!


  • Harvest Team applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now available outside the High School office.  Please complete by April 11th.  Interviews will be the following two days.  Any questions please see Mr. Lambert.


  • FCHS Theatre Department proudly presents "Matilda: The Musical." Join us on TONIGHT, Saturday April 9th at 7 PM, and Sunday April 10th at 2 PM. 


Tickets are $8-Adult and $5-Student. 


  • The SAT exam will be administered to all junior students on Wednesday, April 13th at 8:15 AM until approximately 1:00 PM. Following the exam, all testing students are able to leave campus for the remainder of the day. Please note: the school cafeteria will be done serving food at the conclusion of testing ... if a student would like a sack lunch prepared for them, please notify the HS office as soon as possible. 


  • Seniors who wish to decorate a cap for graduation, you may purchase an additional cap for $8. Please sign up and bring those funds to Mrs. Gibbs by noon on April 11th. 


  • Juniors and Seniors remember to start selling Krispy Kreme donuts.  Order forms can be found in your email, picked up from Ms. Mendez or the office. Money and orders are due TODAY by 8th hour to Ms. Mendez. The top seller will receive two free prom tickets. 


  • All juniors will be completing the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) TODAY. Testing will begin at 8:30am in your assigned room. Room assignments are posted outside the high school office. Bring your Chromebook!


  • Freshman and sophomore students will be taking the PSAT on April 13th at 8:15 AM until approximately 11:30 AM. Following the exam, all testing students will remain on campus for the reminder of the day.


  • ICC will be visiting the cafeteria on April 11th during lunch hours. 


  • Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing (OSF) will be visiting the cafeteria on April 12th.



       Today’s Lunch: Fish Sandwich, Hot Dog, or Farmer Sub Bar