Game club will meet Thursday this week. We will start right after school ends at 2:09 , and go right up to when conferences start at 5:00.
Smackdown will be on March 28, 2022. Smackdown T-Shirt Order Forms are in the office, they will be due on March 17th by the end of the day. Smackdown sign-up sheets will be outside of the office as well. ALL GRADES CAN PARTICIPATE. If there are any questions, see Emma Evans.
Seniors: It’s that time for the Senior Slideshow! Here is what to do:
1- create a google slide
2- insert your baby picture, senior picture, a senior quote and make sure to put your name somewhere as well on the slide.
3- make sure you have open access on the slide so it can view it
4- send it to Mr. Lambert.
Due TODAY. Thanks!
March is Theatre in our school's month. Here is our Theatre Fact of the Day: Broadway has a place for everyone including celebrities such as Usher, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Stone, Hugh Jackman, and Neil Patrick Harris.
FCHS Theatre Department proudly presents "Matilda: The Musical." Join us on Friday, April 8th and Saturday April 9th at 7 PM and Sunday April 10th at 2 PM.
Tickets are $8-Adult and $5-Student.
ICC will be testing dual credit students TOMORROW. Testing will take place in the Research Center starting 6th hour. Please bring your Chromebook.
On Thursday, March 17th all students and staff can wear their favorite college, college basketball team, or their respective alma mater's attire or hat to support Ukrainian refugees residing in Poland due to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. To participate, please donate one of the following items below:
Baby supplies such as food (no glass jars), diapers, cereals, baby bottles and wipes.
Bottled drinks such as Gatorade, Propel and water.
Can openers; non-perishable foods such as canned meats, vegetables and fruits; ramen noodles; cereal, oatmeal and grits; protein bars; granola bars.
Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and moisturizers.
Fleece blankets
All items will directly assist the over 2 million Ukrainian men, women, and children who have been displaced due to the ongoing invasion. All items will be collected at the building entrances prior to school starting on Thursday, March 17th and will be sent to Europe via the University of Illinois College of Medicine.
There will be a field trip to Midwest Technical Institute (MTI) on March 21st from 9am-2pm. If you are interested, sign-up and pick up a parental permission form from Mrs. Haynes. Seats are limited.
There will be a field trip to Illinois Central College (ICC) on March 28th from 8:15am-12pm. If you are interested, sign-up in Mrs. Haynes’ office.
Army Recruiter, Zach Bowman, will be visiting the cafeteria TODAY during lunch.
There will be a Key Club meeting this Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in the art room. If you cannot attend, please stop by Mrs. Simaytis' room to see what is being discussed.
Today’s Lunch: Pasta Bar, Cheese Quesadilla, or Farmer Sub Bar