  • Farmington Scholastic Bowl ended their season last night with a nail-biter loss to ROWVA (Oneida) with a score of Farmington 230---ROWVA 290. Considering 4 of our 7 team members were on their way to Disney, the remaining team members gave a fight worth recognition. Gabe Benson, Ben Claybaugh and Damion Dennison were definitely star worthy. An extra special thanks to Alexis Stufflebeam for joining the team at the last minute allowing us to meet the minimum quota of team members.  What a great season for the Farmington Scholastic Bowl!


  • Smackdown will be on March 28, 2022. Smackdown T-Shirt Order Forms are in the office, they will be due on March 18th by the end of the day. Smackdown sign-up sheets will be outside of the office as well. ALL GRADES CAN PARTICIPATE. If there are any questions, see Emma Evans. 


  • Seniors: It’s that time for the Senior Slideshow! Here is what to do:

1- create a google slide

2- insert your baby picture, senior picture, a senior quote and make sure to put your name somewhere as well on the slide.

3- make sure you have open access on the slide so it can view it

4- send it to Mr. Lambert.


Due March 15th. Thanks!


  • March is Theatre in our school's month.  Here is our Theatre Fact of the Day: Young children taught in theatre arts integration classrooms have higher attendance rates. 


  • Game club will meet after school tomorrow (Wednesday). 


  • Carl Sandburg will be testing dual credit students on March 14th and ICC will be testing on March 16th. Testing will take place in room 625 starting during 6th hour. Please bring your Chromebook.


  • ICC will be visiting the cafeteria on March 10th during lunch hours. 


  • A representative from Paul Mitchell Beauty School will be visiting the cafeteria on March 14th during lunch hours. 


  • There will be a football meeting in the gym this Friday during 4th hour for those students participating next fall.



Today’s Lunch: Chicken-n-Noodles, Beef Burrito, or Farmer Sub Bar