Morning Announcements 10.10.2018

Bulletin – October 10, 2018             


          Volleyball vs. IVC H.S. @ HOME.  Freshman play 5:00 / JV 6:00 / Varsity 7:00


  • Just a reminder, all freshmen and juniors will be taking the PSAT today.  Testing will begin at 8:30 AM. Please check your email for the testing room schedule or ask your Enrichment instructor.


  • Sophomores and seniors have an altered schedule today. Each group will be participating in activities throughout the morning. There will be an extended study hall during 5th period. Check your email to see where to report for 2nd hour.


  • There is an Art Club meeting Thursday after school. If you can not make it, see Mrs. S for information.


  • Art Club will be selling carnations for both volleyball Senior Night and football Senior Night. You can personalize a message to have with the flower. The cost is $2 per flower. Flowers will be for sale until October 17, 2018. See Mrs. S for more details.


  • FCHS Dance Team is selling Yankee Candle items! Money is due at the time of order. See a member of the dance team or Miss Clark for more information.


  • Game club will meet after school today.


  • NHS members need to meet in Mrs. Clope's room during enrichment next Friday, October 19th.



Today’s Lunch: Breadsticks/Marinara or Chicken Alfredo