
4PM  Scholastic Bowl vs. Richwoods HS.  -THERE- 

6PM  Freshman Girls Basketball vs. Metamora HS.  -THERE-

Boys Basketball vs. Lewistown HS. -THERE-  JV plays 6PM / Varsity 7:30                   


  • Game club will meet tomorrow after school. 


  • There will be a baseball meeting during Activity Period in the HS gym this Friday 1/28.


  • The 2022-2023 senior program applications can be picked up in Mrs. Haynes’ office. CNA applications are due February 1st. Co-Op and Work-Based Learning applications are due March 1st.


  • Key Club is doing a toy drive! We are collecting stuffed bears for OSF Children's Hospital. It starts now through February 4th. They must be new with the tags on. Thank you for your donation!! 


  • There will be a Key Club meeting this Thursday in the art room at 7:30 a.m. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Simaytis know. 


  • Freshman class, your Google registration form is due TOMORROW, January 26th.


  • There will be a mandatory senior class meeting in the auditorium on February 1st during 4th hour. 



         Today’s Lunch: Chicken-n-Noodles, Beef Burrito, or Farmer Sub Bar