
 Boys Basketball vs. Elmwood HS @ HOME.  JV play 6PM / Varsity 7:30

 6PM  Varsity Wrestling vs. Orion HS.  -THERE-


                  Saturday, January 22nd

                  9AM  Varsity Wrestling vs. Orion HS.  -THERE-

                  10AM  Freshmen Girls Basketball vs. Monmouth-Roseville HS.  -THERE- 

                  Girls Basketball vs. Monmouth-Roseville HS @ HOME.  JV plays 11AM / Varsity 12:30.


                  Sunday, January 23rd: 

                  12PM  Cheerleaders will compete in the Knoxville Cheer Invitational @ Knoxville HS. 

                               Girls take the mat at 1:14.



  • Congratulations to the Farmington Scholastic Bowl team who swept the night with 3-0 wins. The final score of round one was Farmington 310 and Cuba 90. The final score of round 2 was Farmington 230 and Elmwood 150. And the final score of round three was Farmington 220 and Spoon Valley 10. It certainly is a great time to be a Farmer!!


  • There will be a baseball meeting during Activity Period in the HS gym next Friday 1/28.


  • The 2022-2023 senior program applications can be picked up in Mrs. Haynes’ office. CNA applications are due February 1st. Co-Op and Work-Based Learning applications are due March 1st.


  • Key Club is doing a toy drive! We are collecting stuffed bears for OSF Children's Hospital. It starts now through February 4th. They must be new with the tags on. Thank you for your donation!! 


  • There will be a quick meeting for this year's ACES students during 4th period TODAY in Ms. Petermeyer’s room.


  • Freshman class, your Google registration form is due Wednesday, January 26th.



         Today’s Lunch: Grilled Cheese, Chicken Patty/Bun, or Farmer Sub Bar