5PM Freshman Boys Basketball vs. Monmouth-Roseville HS -THERE-
Let’s have a spirit week! December 13th-17th
Today- Ugly Sweater (contest with prize)
Tomorrow- Holiday Character Day and Random Gift Day!
Friday- College Day
Random Gift Day- Students can get a $5 or less gift and randomly give it to someone on that day. A random act of kindness!
Auditions for “Matilda the Musical” will continue tomorrow, December 16th in the Theatre. Please meet in the choir room.
Game club will meet on Thursday this week.
Seniors--yearbook portraits are due to Mr. Paul by Friday January 7th. After that date a $10 charge will be assessed for any late submissions.
Students: please be sure to check the Lost and Found located in the bin outside the office if you have misplaced any items. All items will be removed at the end of the semester.
Please remove Fall Sport signs off of the lockers before break so that Winter sport signs can be put up.
ALL exam waivers are due TODAY @ 3PM. Be sure you have parent and teacher signatures. If signatures are forged, your waiver form will be denied.
FFA 's Falafafala Chapter Meeting is after school TOMORROW, be sure you sign up for pizza in Mr. Look's room. Also, FFA will be showing a movie while we tie fleece blankets for Ashlyn Slayton and Jacob Gilles' Harvest Team project starting at 5pm in the Ag room.
Don't forget, there is a Key Club meeting this Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in the art room. This will be the last one before the end of the semester. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Simaytis know. Make sure to check Classroom for notes and updates.
Today’s Lunch: Cheese Pizza Bread, Hot Ham & Cheese, or Farmer Sub Bar