The purpose of the Distinguished Alumni Award is to recognize Farmington Central Alumni who have made significant contributions to society, and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the tradition of “Encourage Potential: Harvest Excellence” at Farmington Central.
Eligible Nominees:
Only graduates or employees of Farmington Central High School will be eligible for the award.
Will be distinguished in his or her chosen business, profession,
The nominee MAY be judged on one or more of the following criteria. The nominee:
scholastically, school community, personally, or life's work.
Will be a person of such integrity and stature that the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of Farmington Central Highschool will take pride in, and be inspired by, his or her recognition.
Will be an individual who, in deed or action, reflects and recognizes the importance of his or her education at Farmington Central Highschool.
May have demonstrated a continuing interest in Farmington Central High School by contributing time, talent, or money to one or more programs to benefit Farmington Central Highschool.
Method of Nomination:
Any Farmington Central Highschool alumni, parent, or friend of Farmington Central Highschool may make a nomination for the distinguished alumni award. Nomination forms will be available in the Farmington Central Highschool office as well as online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVHxEGukZSbgtdaceEfeWW6ux73WPlI6PhLGFvYiL2ZmiNWQ/viewform?usp=sf_link .
Announcement and Recognition:
Farmington Central Highschool will announce inductees annually at the awards ceremony held at Farmington Central High School. This ceremony will be broadcast virtually.
Farmington Central Highschool will accept nominations for the 2021 distinguished alumni no later than March 4th, 2022.
Any other questions please contact Dennis McMillin dmcmillin@dist265.com.