Morning Announcements 8.28.2018

Bulletin – August 28, 2018             

                        Volleyball vs. Illini Bluffs H.S. -THERE-  Bus departs 3:45.

                              Freshman play 5:00 / JV 6:00 / Varsity 7:00


  • All summer volunteer hours for cords need to be turned in to Mr. Lambert by this THURSDAY. Anything submitted after will not count toward cords.


  • Mr. Spengler's enrichment please report to lab 649.  


  • Those students that still need to pay their activity fee, please make sure it is paid by Thursday.


  • Those interested in attending the 44th annual Theatre Festival, please have your form and $50 downpayment to Mr. Lambert by Thursday this week.


  • Auditions for CLUE ON STAGE  will be this Wednesday and Thursday after school in the Theatre. Sign up for days in the Research Center. Cast list will be posted on the District Media Site on Friday.


  • Anyone interested in crew, tech, makeup, costumes or stage crew- there will be a meeting Thursday during Enrichment in the Research Center.


  • Any sophomore that is interested in running for a class officer position needs to stop by either Ms. Petermeyer’s room or Ms. Clark's room to pick up a form. These will be due back to either of them by this Thursday, August 30th.  


  • Game club will meet after school tomorrow.

  • Next Friday, September 7th, Freshmen will be meeting in the cafeteria during enrichment to discuss election process and future events. Mrs. Burklund and Mrs. Suter will be there to lead the meeting.


  • Beginning next Tuesday, September 4th: Please make sure that your 2018-2019 purple parking tags are visible in the front windshield of your automobile.  Any previous school year tag will not be accepted. Your failure to comply the first time will result in a warning. The second offense a lunch detention, third offense a detention after school, and the fourth offense your vehicle could be towed at the owner’s expense.  You can purchase a parking tag in the office for $5.00. Thank you for your cooperation.


  • Brock Renner to the Research Center.


  • The following students need to report to Lab 716 at this time: Ben Behrens, Hunter Davis, Samuel Edmonds, Logan Fleming, Liz Hayden, Makenna Huffman, Zach Johnson, Bailey Kennelly, Bailee Malott-Skaggs, Holly Shriber, Destynee Skaggs, Laura Stevens, Faith Wheeler, Addy Neal, Tierney McKown, Noah Beach, Addie Parr, Iann Jett, Arianna Johnson, Nicholas Oltman, Johnathan Woodcock, Mahala Lafferty, Ethan Evans, Tess Balagna, Andrew Joos, Robert Lines, Jadon Ylinen, Kaelee Courtright, Dru Runyan, and Wade Holder.

Today’s Lunch: Grilled Cheese or BBQ Pork/Bun