FFA and Art Club are selling poinsettias and holiday cards as a fundraiser.
The poinsettias are 6.5" pinched poinsettias with 5 or more blooms. The colors available are red, white, and candy stripe. The poinsettias are $15 each and the holiday cards are $2 each. Orders close November 5th. If you would like to buy one, please see an FFA or Art Club member to order.
Morgan Neptun and Bailey Kennelly’s Harvest Team project, we will be hosting a Rake-n-Run this Sunday, November 7th from 1-4 pm. Essentially we will go to different houses and rake their yards for them (with their permission). This is a really great opportunity to earn volunteer hours if you still need them. If you know of anyone who may need help with their ranking, feel free to let Morgan or Bailey know and we can add them to the list.
Seniors- Josten’s will be here to take your graduation orders TODAY during the lunch hours. Please be sure to turn in your orders at this time. Any Senior who missed the class meeting, please pick up your packet from Brandi in the office.
- Game club will meet after school on Thursday this week.
The Dodgeball tournament is being postponed, a reschedule date will be announced soon.
The following colleges and military representatives will be coming to the cafeteria during the lunch hours.
Pam Ritter from Graham Hospital School of Nursing will be visiting with students on TODAY.
There will be an Art Club meeting this Wednesday during activity hour. Please bring any poinsettia order forms that you may have.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken-n-Noodles, Beef Burrito, or Farmer Sub Bar