
4PM  Boys & Girls Golf vs. Macomb HS @ Oak Run Golf Course.


             For a list of daily activities, please visit: 




  • The girls golf team drove all the way to Highland Springs Golf Course in Moline to play Rockridge and Mercer County. Leading the way for the Farmers was Faith Wheeler with a 55 and Ella Smith with a 58. Rockridge beat Mercer County by the score of 200-262. The next match is today at Oak Run with the boys golf team starting at 4 pm. Come out and support your golf teams.


  • Game Club will meet after school TODAY.  


  • FFA shirts are available to order. Order forms are available in Mr. Look’s room. All orders are due this Friday, September 24th.


  • Today is Picture Retake Day!  If you would like your school picture retaken please report to the auditorium when announced.  Please return your original package to the Lifetouch photographer.


  • The following colleges and military representatives will be coming to the cafeteria during the lunch hours.

  1. Marty Butler from Methodist College of UnityPoint Health will be visiting with students TODAY

  2. Sarah Gibson from Western Illinois University will be visiting with students on September 28th

Please stop by their tables for questions!


  • Seniors, we are pleased to inform you that Farmington High School has made arrangements for our entire senior class to participate in a local College Fair. On September 27th, Farmington will be shuttling senior students to Carl Sandburg College in Galesburg. We will be leaving the high school at 10am and returning at 12:30pm. Each student will be provided a sack lunch for the day. Students must sign and return a release form to be eligible. Physical copies can be picked up in the high school office.


  • FAFSA Night will be held on October 6th from 5:30PM - 6:30PM in the high school auditorium. A representative from SRC will be holding a presentation about FAFSA and will also be available to assist families with the financial aid online application process. Please attend in person with your Chromebook. Please note that due to a new state law in 2020, all seniors will be required to complete FAFSA in order to receive a diploma and graduate.



Today’s Lunch: Pizza, Pretzel & Cheese, Sub Salad Bar