4PM Varsity Girls Golf vs. Brimfield HS @ Maple Lane Country Club.
For a list of daily activities, please visit: https://il.8to18.com/FarmingtonCentral/
Game club will meet tomorrow after school in Mr. Paul's room (643).
FFA shirts are available to order. Order forms are available in Mr. Look’s room. All orders are due September 24th.
Sophomores, Jostens will be back to take your class ring orders and letter jacket orders TOMORROW, September 16th during 4th hour and lunch hours. Please have a $75 downpayment or JPAY form with your order on Thursday. Extra packets are available in the office.
Picture Retake Day is coming! If you would like your school picture retaken you will need to return your original package to the Lifetouch photographer that day. They will be here September 22nd. Orders forms are located outside the high school office or you may order online @ mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTP4MHM3.
The following colleges and military representatives will be coming to the cafeteria during the lunch hours.
Eve Zimmerman from Spoon River College will be visiting with students TODAY
Kattie Groeper from the Air National Guard will be visiting with students on September 16th
Nolan Ruthe from Bradley University will be visiting with students on September 20th
Please stop by their tables for questions!
This Friday, there will be a Key Club meeting in the art room at 7:15 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. If you are interested, there is still time to join. Officer voting will be happening so please make sure to attend! If you cannot, please email Mrs. Simaytis to make arrangements.
This Friday during activity hour, there will be an Art Club meeting in the art room. It is not too late to join! If you are interested in joining, please email Mrs. Simaytis.
Today’s Lunch: Breadsticks/Marinara, Pretzel, Sub Bar or Farmer Salad