
It is that time again! Blackout 2021 is just around the corner. Order forms have been emailed to students and are available outside the high school office.  

If you are not familiar with Blackout, it is a chance for our school to raise awareness and funds to support our local Easterseals organization in Peoria. Easterseals services are extended to several of our students. We have done this for several years now and have donated over $70,000 to Easterseals from our school. 

One way to raise funds is the purchase of a shirt. It also allows free admission to the football game on September 24th, where we will do a check presentation to Easterseals. 

Harvest Team Leaders Addison Littrel and Emylee Mahr will be assisting this year for their project. 

Orders and money are due Wednesday, September 8th by 3:04 PM. 

Any questions, please email rlambert@dist265.com.