Theme: “Rollin’ Out the Red Carpet”
Dress Up Days (Week of September 6)
Monday- No School (Labor Day)
Tuesday- Decades Dress
Wednesday- Formal Attire
Thursday- Throwback--Childhood TV shows
Friday- Spirit Day- Purple and Gold Day
*Prizes will be given each day to best dressed
Parade Information- September 10, 2021: Parade begins at 4 PM (NEW TIME)
Parade Entry: If you would like to enter the parade, please email:
Line Up: Line up for the parade will begin at 3:15 pm Friday. Please enter Fulton Street from the East end off of Elmwood Street. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS and please stay on the sides. There are numbers along the sides, please line up next to your number. FFA members will be along the route to assist. Mr. Lambert will be located at the Presbyterian Church if you need assistance.
Route: Headed south starting at Gold St and Fort. Turn North at the four way stop. Turn West on Court St End back at Reed Park.
School buses – (after drop off) please park facing East (Elmwood St) pull past 1st St.
Questions: Please email