3:30 Girls Golf vs. Limestone H.S. & Elmwood H.S. @ Madison Golf Course.
Bus departs 2:30.
4 PM Boys & Girls Cross Country will compete in the Farmer Invite @ HOME.
Students, please note: starting today the office will be charging $1 for masks. Be sure to remember to bring your masks to school! Thank you!
Parking tags may be purchased from the high school office for $5.00. Some student’s parking fees were paid during registration. Please check with Susan in the office if you believe yours has been paid.
Vehicle Information forms must be completed before receiving your tag. Forms have been sent to your email, and are also available on the table outside the office. Students who have paid their parking fee will receive a yellow parking tag. Students must have their yellow parking tags displayed in the windshield by Wednesday, September 1st or they will receive parking tickets.
If you are interested in becoming an officer for the Freshman class (Class of 2025), please check your email for information. Petitions will be due to Mrs. Littrel no later than 3:15 pm this Wednesday, August 25th. For more information, please see Mrs. Littrel.
FCHS Drama Department presents "Noises Off," a hilarious comedy where everything goes wrong. Audition material will be available Tuesday, August 24th. Auditions will be in the Theatre on Monday and Tuesday August 30 and 31st after school. Any questions, see Mr. Lambert.
If you are interested in dance, come to the information meeting on Tuesday, August 24th at 4:00 pm in the art room. If you cannot make it or have questions, please email Mrs. Simaytis.
Game club will meet on Wednesday after school this week in room 643. Come join the fun.
There will be a junior class officer meeting in Mrs. White’s room Friday, August 27th during 4th hour.
Art Club will have its first meeting Friday, August 27th during activity hour. If you are interested in joining but cannot attend, please email Mrs. Simaytis.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Patty or Potato Bowl w/Breadstick