
Girls Golf will compete in the Redbird Classic against Metamora H.S. at Metamora Fields at 11AM.


  • Our first FFA Chapter meeting will be held in the Ag Room TODAY at 3:15.  Come join us for pizza, a cornhole tournament, and information regarding all the opportunities FFA has to offer you for this school year!


  • Game club will meet after school on Thursday this week in Mr. Paul's room, 643.  Come relax with us as we play board games and card games until 5:30.  


  • Carl Sandburg's Dual Credit Orientation will be held on Thursday, August 19th @ 9am in the

High School Auditorium. Those Junior and Senior students who are enrolled for dual credit

classes with Carl Sandburg, please report to the Auditorium with your Chromebook. Megan

Jones will be holding a PowerPoint presentation and verifying student access to their

mySandburg account.


  • If you are interested in being an officer for Student Government for FCHS, please check your email for your petition form. Offices open include: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Government is responsible primarily for our Homecoming events. Please complete and return to Mr. Lambert by Friday, August 20th. 


  • Interested in Winterguard, Speech Team, Drama, and Musical? Please check your email and join our Google Classroom. Any questions, see Mr. Lambert.


  • Drama students interested in attending Illinois High School Theatre Festival, please pick up information packets tomorrow from Mr. Lambert. 


  • Volunteer hours forms and information are in your email. Please read and if you have questions, see Mr. Lambert. 


  • FCHS proudly presents Homecoming 2021! The theme for this year is “Rollin’ Out the Red Carpet!” Dress up days will be coming soon! Please pay close attention to your emails to receive updates. 


  • There will be a junior class officer meeting in Mrs. White’s room next Friday, August 27th.


Today’s Lunch: Pizza or BBQ Chicken on Bun