Student pictures will be taken TODAY! Please note, all students are required to get their photo taken for Skyward purposes so please be sure to go to the auditorium when directed. Thank you!
The check-in and check-out systems are up and running today. Please be sure to see Brandi if you are leaving for an appointment. If you are leaving for an open campus reason please use the scanner.
Game club will meet after school on Thursday this week in Mr. Paul's room, 643. Come relax with us as we play board games and card games until 5:30.
If you need to make a course change, please submit on the "Course Change Request 21-22" Google Form. Email requests will no longer be reviewed. Take note that course change requests must be submitted no later than TODAY, August 17th by 5pm to be considered. All course changes will be approved and finalized by August 19th @ 3pm. There will be no other course changes made after August 19th for your first semester. You will be notified if your request has been approved or denied via email. Attend your active class schedule on Skyward until you are notified otherwise.
Carl Sandburg's Dual Credit Orientation will be held on Thursday, August 19th @ 9am in the
High School Auditorium. Those Junior and Senior students who are enrolled for dual credit
classes with Carl Sandburg, please report to the Auditorium with your Chromebook. Megan
Jones will be holding a PowerPoint presentation and verifying student access to their
mySandburg account.
Today’s Lunch: Pasta Bar or Cheese Quesadilla