
 Bulletin – April 19, 2021             

                                                                Block Schedule - A Day                                                                        


  • Congratulations to the following students who were inducted into the National Honor Society  Farmington chapter last week: Logan Archdale, Ethan Emken, Emma Evans, 

Abigail Foshay, Aidan Foshay, Delaney Foster, Makenna Huffman, Miranda Hursey, 

Riley Jansen, Bailey Kennelly, Adriane Morse, Reece Putrich, Holly Shriber, Laura Stevens, 

Alexis Stufflebeam, Carlee Taylor, Christopher Tucker, Gracelyn Ulm, and Austin Utt.

The induction ceremony will be released to the public at 6PM on April 29th. 


  • Congratulations to the following students for winning Staff Choice in this year's art show! 

In 1st place is Lindsey McCullough with her charcoal drawing titled "DNA".

In 2nd place is Kamri Skaggs with her marker pointillism titled "Promise of Peace".

In 3rd place is Bailey Kennely with her oil painting titled "Serenity".

Please congratulate these students on their achievement!


  • Juniors, the make-up ISA is scheduled for this Wednesday, April 21st and the make-up SAT is scheduled for next Tuesday, April 27th.


  • For those seniors planning to attend Spoon River College in the Fall, there will be individual meetings held virtually between you and an academic advisor to register you for classes at SRC. There is a physical sign-up sheet located in the HS office where you can sign up by appointment time. Meetings will take place TOMORROW (April 20th) between 8:30am-2:30pm. 


  • Thespian applications are due to Mr. Lambert by Wednesday at 3 PM. 


  • High School Cheerleading Tryouts will be held on April 29th at 2:15. Tryout Informational packets are available in the high school and jr. high offices.


  • Just a reminder to Boys Golf team members to turn in your bags and polos to the office ASAP.  Thank you!


Today’s Lunch: PBJ Uncrustable