Morning Announcements 1.27.2021

Bulletin – January 27, 2021             

                                                                           Block Schedule - B Day     


  • Any Junior who registered for OR are interested in the following programs for their Senior year, please stop by Ms. Smith's office for an application.

- Work-Based Learning (WBL) Program

- Cooperative Education (Co-Op) Program

- CNA Program with ICC

  • Today’s Senior Shout Out goes to Brock Renner. 

In school, he participates in basketball, football, and baseball. 

Outside of school he likes to spend time with friends and family. 

His favorite memory at FCHS was playing under the Friday night lights. 

His advice is to not take your time for granted and to get involved in as much as you can. 

Today’s Lunch: Chicken Patty/Bun or Nachos