Bulletin – January 7, 2021
Block Schedule - A Day
TOMORROW is the last day to request course changes. If you need the google course request form sent to you, please email Miss Smith. esmith@dist265.com
Those students that are leaving school early with an elementary student are welcome to go down to the cafeteria to get a sack lunch before leaving.
Reminder to all seniors--yearbook portraits are due to Mr. Paul by TOMORROW, January 8th. See the November 11th email from Mr. Paul for the full details.
Josh McMillin is doing Senior Shout Outs for his Harvest Team project.
Today’s senior is Alexis Petersen.
Activities involved in: Cheerleading
Hobbies: spending time with my family and friends
Favorite Memory at FCHS: My favorite memory from FCHS is all the fun pep rallies we had, and being a part of the cheerleading team and being two time ICCA State Champs and 2 time IHSA State Runner Up and 4 time Sectional Champions.
Quote: Make as many memories as possible because before you know it you'll be done.
Today’s Lunch: Hot Dog or Farmer Sub