Bulletin – December 14, 2020
Block Schedule - A Day
Reminder to all seniors--yearbook portraits are due to Mr. Paul by January 8. See the November 11th email from Mr. Paul for the full details.
FCHS Presents “The Theory of Relativity” in April. Auditions for the 2020-21 musical will be held in January following winter break. Please be on the lookout for audition materials that will be emailed to you over break. Any questions, please contact Mr. Lambert.
Hopefully, by now you have heard rumblings or saw on Facebook about the upcoming Farmington FFA Craft and Bake Sale that will take place virtually on Facebook, December 16, 2020. Please consider this your personal invitation to attend the event! We will be making announcements on the Farmington FFA Facebook page and providing links to the auction style sale.
Josh McMillin is doing Senior Shout Outs for his Harvest Team project.
Today’s senior is Makenna Hintz.
Makenna is involved in Cross Country, Band, FCA, Theatre, Science Olympiad, Track, Harvest Team, Drama Club, Choir, Leadership Team, Winter Guard, Key Club, Game Club, NHS, ACES Team, and Spanish Club.
Makenna's hobbies outside of school include hanging out with friends and family, working out, and making music.
Makenna's favorite memories at FCHS are Mr. Bach's field trip and going to Theatre Fest last year.
Don't be afraid to be bold and talk to people that you don't usually talk to. She has become friends with so many new people that she appreciates so much and is going to miss a lot. And to hold on to those good friends that are there for you no matter what.
Today’s Lunch: Pork Tenderloin or PBJ Uncrustable