Morning Announcements 12.4.2020

Bulletin – December 4, 2020             

                                                                           Block Schedule - A Day     


  • FCHS is starting an esports club. Esports is competitive video gaming

and there are a variety of games played on mobile, console, and PC.

There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, December 9th after

school in the auditorium. Come find out more about playing these

games, or other opportunities such as streaming, shoutcasting, and



  • Josh McMillin is doing Senior Shoutouts for his Harvest Team project.  

Today’s senior is Lindsey Marinich.


Lindsey’s school activities include Marching Band, Scholastic Bowl, and Drama/Theater.

Her hobbies outside of school consist of a summer theater group as well as kickboxing, painting, and sketching.

Her favorite high school memory is when the FCHS Golden Wave Marching Band won first place at their first competition of her sophomore year with their Blues Brothers show.

Not all those who wander are lost -J.R.R. Tolkien




Today’s Lunch: Pizza or PBJ Uncrustable