Bulletin – November 13, 2017
Fulton Co. Girls Basketball Tournament begins tonight @ HOME. First game begins at 6PM.
(6:00 - Canton vs. North Fulton)
(7:30 - Lewistown vs. South Fulton)
Farmington girls play tomorrow night at 7:30 vs. North Fulton.
There will be a mandatory sophomore class meeting Wednesday in the auditorium during enrichment to discuss junior year registration.
This week’s Enrichment topic is GOAL MONITORING. Share what you learned with Mrs. Mason if she comes to your homeroom on Friday. Eventually she will get around to all homerooms, so be prepared to win prizes!
Wrestling pictures will be taken after school tomorrow at 3:10, Dance Team at 4:00.
Game club will meet Tuesday this week.
Football awards will be Sunday November 26th at 2:00 in the auditorium.
Countdown to QDoba: you have 6 school days left to place your order with Mrs. Gibbs in the HS office. Chicken or Ground Beef Nachos will be available for $6.00. You may add a water or Sprite for an additional dollar. If you wish to partake in this opportunity, you must pre-order and pay Mrs. Gibbs by Monday, November 20th. You will be given a lunch ticket the day before (December 20th) to redeem for your lunch.
Today’s Lunch: Double Cheeseburger or Farmer Nugget Bowl