Morning Announcements 9.9.2020

Bulletin – September 9, 2020             

                                                                           Block Schedule - B Day     

                     4:00  Boys Golf vs. Brimfield H.S. @ Maple Lane Country Club.

                     4:00 Girls Golf vs. Limestone & Elmwood H.S. @ Maple Lane Country Club.

                     4:00 Varsity Cross Country will host the Prairieland Conference.


  • Attention those wanting to be active in FFA this year. We will have our first chapter meeting of the year this afternoon in the gym at 2:30. Please get a hold of Mr. Look or Mrs. Plumer if you cannot make it. We look forward to seeing you all!

  • Beginning September 11 at 7:30 PM football will practice until 9:00 PM under the lights. We will do this each Friday.

  • Sophomores, be sure to email Ms. Mendez or Mrs. Gibbs by this Friday if you wish to run for class officer.  Be sure to include which office position you would be running for.

  • Reminder to get your parking tags.  The vehicle information form was sent to student emails.  There are also forms located outside the office.  Bring a completed form and $5.00 to purchase your tag from the office. If your tag was paid for during registration, please turn in the vehicle information form to receive your tag.

  • Sophomores, Jostens will be back to take your class ring and letter jacket orders TOMORROW, September 10th from 1PM-2PM at the main entrance.  Please have a $60.00 downpayment or JPAY form with your order Thursday.  Any student who missed the class meeting, please pick up your packet from the office.


Today’s Lunch: Chicken Patty or Chili Cheese Nachos