Bulletin – August 31, 2017
4:00 Boys Golf vs. Dunlap H.S. @ Donovan Golf Course. Bus departs 2:30.
Girls Volleyball vs. Peoria Christian H.S. -THERE- Bus departs 4:15.
JV plays 5:30/Varsity 6:30
Patrice Hess from ICC will be here on Friday, September 1st during Enrichment in Lab 649 to talk to all students who are enrolled in a dual-credit online class. She will be sharing vital information. Attendance is mandatory. Please sign up in the office to attend. This is for ICC dual credit online classes, not Carl Sandburg.
Students in the CARL SANDBURG DUAL-CREDIT ENGLISH need to attend a brief meeting either Tuesday, September 5th after school 3:15 pm OR Wednesday, September 6th before school in room 716.
Mark Maroon form the National Guard will be here next Wednesday, September 6th during Enrichment and at lunch.
This year the school will be having a class bags tournament on Fridays starting next week. Students will be able to sign up in front of the office. Keep posted for a bracket on when you and your partner will play. Sign ups will end at the end of the school day on Thursday, August 31. If you have any questions contact Morgan Powell, Courtney Renfroe, or Jonas Beoletto.
Blackout shirt order forms are due to Mr. Lambert by NOON TODAY, no exceptions. No late orders will be accepted. Payment is due at time of submission. Shirts will be delivered September 6th. Checks payable to FCHS.
There will be an Art Club meeting after school today at 3:15.
The first FFA Meeting of the year is today after school in the ag room, beginning at 4 PM. We will preview activities for the year and discuss how to become a member. We hope to see you there!
The following meetings will take place tomorrow during Enrichment:
Junior Class Officer meeting in Miss Burdess’ room
Senior Class please report to the auditorium at this time.
Today’s Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese or Western Burger