  • Congrats to our Key Club group for being chosen to host a workshop at this past weekend's convention. Students spoke on their experience with organizing Homeless Awareness Night and how clubs across the state can help. The students continued to prevail by winning 2nd place in the club promotional video and Maddy Lettow won 1st place in the state level oratorical contest! She spoke on the impact of Key Club in her life and the call for us to be the positive change. These students were recognized for their hard work this past year with the 100 hour award, completing 100 hours of service: Amber Asbury, Amelia Webel, Jayla Lekies, and Jaycee Emery. Along with those major accomplishments, the following awards were won by individual members:

Amber Asbury- distinguished president

Braylee Hammond- distinguished vice president

Jayla Lekies- distinguished treasurer

Alaina Lafferty- distinguished secretary

Amelia Webel- distinguished editor

Anthony Zotto- distinguished webmaster

Drew Henkhaus- distinguished senior member

Maddy Lettow- distinguished junior member

Josie Henkhaus- distinguished sophomore member

Jaycee Emery- distinguished freshman member

Congratulations again Key Clubbers! Mrs. Simaytis couldn't be more proud. 

  • This Friday, February 28th all students will be going to a unified basketball game at Peoria Heights. Buses will depart at 8:30 and return around 11:00. Please review your bus assignment posted outside the office.

  • Anyone interested in auditioning to play in the Bye Bye Birdie pit, please contact Mrs. Weaver by 3:30 on Thursday, Feb 27 either in person or by email. 

Instruments wanted are Flute, clarinet, alto and tenor sax, trumpet, trombone. Necessary are bass, kit drums and bass.

  • Josten’s will be making Graduation deliveries during lunch on Friday outside of the cafeteria. Please plan on stopping by to pick up your items. 

Today’s Lunch: Chicken Patty/Bun, BBQ Pork/Bun, or Farmer Sub Bar

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meets every Friday in the Research Center at 7:15 in the morning. Come and enjoy some food and fellowship together. Every student that attends gets their name in the drawing for our monthly door prize.

Feb 27 - Farmington Central Academic Foundation applications due to Mrs. White by NOON

Feb 27 - Western Illinois University Rep lunch visit

Mar 1 - WBL applications due to Mrs. White by NOON

Mar 4 - Carl Sandburg College Rep lunch visit

Mar 5 - Accuplacer testing w/ Carl Sandburg College @ 8:30 in Research Center

Mar 5 - Army National Guard lunch visit

Mar 10 - Illinois Central College Rep lunch visit

Mar 14 - United Way for Fulton County Scholarship application deadline (must be mailed)

Mar 24 - Richard T. Humphrey Scholarship application due to Mrs. White

Apr 1 - Illini Girls State Applications due to Mrs. White

Apr 1 - Bank of Farmington CF Scholarship applications due to Mrs. Shaffer

Apr 8 - ACT, PreAct Secure, and PreACT9 Secure testing

Apr 15 - Spoon River College Rep lunch visit

Apr 25 - Sgt. Douglas J. Riney Scholarship application deadline (must be mailed)