
★ Congratulations to the Scholastic Bowl team for taking third place at Saturday's Masonic

Academic Bowl.

Also for Scholastic Bowl members: Tuesday will be the only practice this week. Please see

your email and plan to attend!

★ Anyone interested in auditioning to play in the Bye Bye Birdie pit, please contact Mrs.

Weaver by 3:30 on Thursday, Feb 27 either in person or by email.

Instruments wanted are Flute, clarinet, alto and tenor sax, trumpet, trombone. Necessary

are bass, kit drums and bass.

Today’s Lunch: French Toast, Potato Bowl w/breadstick, or Farmer Sub Bar

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meets every Friday

in the Research Center at 7:15 in the morning. Come and enjoy some food and

fellowship together. Every student that attends gets their name in the drawing for our

monthly door prize.

Feb 27 - Farmington Central Academic Foundation applications due to Mrs. White by NOON

Feb 27 - Western Illinois University Rep lunch visit

Mar 1 - WBL applications due to Mrs. White by NOON

Mar 4 - Carl Sandburg College Rep lunch visit

Mar 5 - Accuplacer testing w/ Carl Sandburg College @ 8:30 in Research Center

Mar 5 - Army National Guard lunch visit

Mar 10 - Illinois Central College Rep lunch visit

Mar 14 - United Way for Fulton County Scholarship application deadline (must be mailed)

Mar 24 - Richard T. Humphrey Scholarship application due to Mrs. White

Apr 1 - Illini Girls State Applications due to Mrs. White

Apr 1 - Bank of Farmington CF Scholarship applications due to Mrs. Shaffer

Apr 8 - ACT, PreAct Secure, and PreACT9 Secure testing

Apr 15 - Spoon River College Rep lunch visit

Apr 25 - Sgt. Douglas J. Riney Scholarship application deadline (must be mailed)