Bulletin – March 6, 2020
Saturday, March 7th:
Band & Chorus students will compete in the IHSA Solo & Ensemble Contests
@ Rushville-Industry HS. Bus departs 7:00AM.
3:40 Winter Guard will compete in the A.A. Stagg HS Show @ A.A. Stagg HS.
Juniors & Seniors have an opportunity to attend a College & Career Fair on March 18th free of cost with transportation provided by FCHS. There will be over 40 colleges & universities in attendance plus trade programs, military and employers. We have one bus traveling to Kewanee HS for this event - open to students first come, first serve. If you are interested in attending, please email Mrs. Neave. Additional information is in your email.
FCHS Theatre department is hosting the Red Cross Blood drive March 31st. Sign up will be held March 9-20 during all lunch periods. For any questions please contact Jaden Van Winkle.
The PROMise of Hope event is an event that allows high school girls who are unable to purchase prom attire to "shop" for a FREE prom dress, shoes, purse, makeup, jewelry, and corsage. This event is today, March 6 from 6 - 8 pm and Saturday, March 7th from 9am - Noon. The Dream Center of Peoria is located on 714 Hamilton Blvd. A school ID card, like the one in your laptop case, is required in order to participate. Please see Mrs. White if you have any questions.
Do you find that you are anxious, worried, or stressed? Join our Anxiety Group on Tuesdays. The group will run weekly through April 7. Come and learn new coping strategies and how to support each other.
There will be a Dual Credit Meeting for Parents & Students on Wednesday, March 11th @ 6PM in the Auditorium. Anyone planning to take Dual Credit courses next school year, please plan to attend.
Senior class officers will have a meeting on Wednesday during Activity Hour.
March is Women in History Month. Founded in 1956, advice columnist Dear Abby hit newspapers as a way to help people with family issues and relationship advice. Her real name was Pauline Phillips and wrote under the pen name Abigail Van Buren, hense Dear Abby. It is still in operation today with the advice column being run by her daughter Jeanne Phillips.
March is Theatre in Education Month. Theatre has brought to life many real-world issues. 2017 Tony Award winning show Dear Evan Hansen was written by the same team who wrote music for La La Land and The Greatest Showman. Composer Benj Pasek real life high school experiences were written as part of the subject matter for Dear Evan Hansen.
Today’s Lunch: Corn Dog or Sloppy Joe/Bun