Bulletin – March 3, 2020
Today is Ag Legislative Day at the Capitol in Springfield, FFA chapters from across the state are headed to the Capitol to discuss agriculture issues and promote Agriculture education with our local representatives.
Tomorrow Sam Deppermann, Caleb Mahr, and Ethan Emken will compete at the District 3 SAE Record book interviews. GOOD LUCK Gentlemen!
Last night Farmington FFA placed 2nd at Section 12 Parliamentary Procedure CDE. Team included Ashleigh Janssen, Abby Cash, Ethan Marvel, Ethan Emken, Liz Hayden, and Sam Deppermann. They will be advancing to Districts in May.
Section 12 Job interviews CDE was also held.
Will Hayden placed 4th overall and Sam Deppermann placed 1st and will be advancing to Districts in May.
Juniors & Seniors have an opportunity to attend a College & Career Fair on March 18th free of cost with transportation provided by FCHS. There will be over 40 colleges & universities in attendance plus trade programs, military and employers. We have one bus traveling to Kewanee HS for this event - open to students first come, first serve. If you are interested in attending, please email Mrs. Neave. Additional information is in your email.
On Wednesday, March 4th, Farmington Central High School senior Broc Shymansky will be signing a national letter of intent to attend Heidleberg University in Tiffin, OH to continue his wrestling career. The signing will take place at 3:45pm in the Research Center.
Game club will meet after school TODAY.
There will be a meeting for all football players to get fitted for jerseys and to get summer information this Thursday, March 5th in the outdoor locker room. People with after school obligations will go first and it will not take long.
There will be a Key Club meeting TOMORROW, March 4th, in the auditorium during activity hour.
Drama Club officers will meet in the Research Center during Activity Hour TODAY.
The PROMise of Hope event is an event that allows high school girls who are unable to purchase prom attire to "shop" for a FREE prom dress, shoes, purse, makeup, jewelry, and corsage. This event is Friday, March 6 from 6 - 8 pm and Saturday, March 7th from 9am - Noon. The Dream Center of Peoria is located on 714 Hamilton Blvd. A school ID card, like the one in your laptop case, is required in order to participate. Please see Mrs. White if you have any questions.
Do you find that you are anxious, worried, or stressed? Join our Anxiety Group on Tuesdays, starting tomorrow, March 3 at 3:15 in room 625. The group will run weekly through April 7. Come and learn new coping strategies and how to support each other.
Reminder that Carl Sandburg College will be here for placement testing this afternoon. Please check your email for your scheduled testing time.
There will be a Dual Credit Meeting for Parents & Students on Wednesday, March 11th @ 6 PM in the Auditorium. Anyone planning to take Dual Credit courses next school year, please plan to attend.
Any senior that has not verified their spelling for diploma with Brandi please stop by the office by the end of the day TODAY.
March is Women in History Month. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or Notorious RBG, is a lawyer and is currently an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court. She was appointed by former President Bill Clinton on August 10, 1993 and is the second female justice of four to be confirmed.
March is Theatre in Education Month. The Phantom of the Opera is Broadway’s longest-running show. It opened in 1988 on Broadway and has been staged over 11,400 times.
The following students need to report to Mrs. Clope’s room today during 4th hour:
Josh McMillin, Annabelle Easley, Sydnee Barton, Kendra Renfroe, Jack Stevens, Cameron Oldfield, Sam Fletcher, Lindsey Marinich, Adian Basalay, Justyce Jennings, Makenna Hintz, Deidra Lange, Riley Reed, Addyson Neal, Lily Sharum, Jason Chrestenson, Wyatt Perkins, Lilli Hammond, Victoria Benedict, Kylie Turner, Emma Vallas, Abby Gilles, Jaden Van Winkle, Sam Deppermann, Jessamine Britt, Khloe Hitchcock, Ashleigh Janssen, and Ethan Emken.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken-n-Noodles or Beef Burrito