Morning Announcements 3.2.2020

 Bulletin – March 2, 2020           


  • Gabe Benson was selected as March’s Senior of the Month. Gabe excels academically as he is ranked second in his class, a member of the National Honor Society, and an Illinois State Scholar recipient. Along with his studies, Gabe is involved in various extracurricular activities which include: Cross Country, FFA, Key Club, Scholastic Bowl, Game Club, FCA, Math Team, Theater, Yearbook, Science Olympiad, Spanish Club, and Tech Team.  In addition to his extensive involvement in school, Gabe finds time to give back as he volunteers within the community. He worked at the Trivoli Fire Department’s Chili Supper the past 4 years, collected donations for Farmington’s FFA food drive, and regularly tutors in math. He will attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign next year where he will major in Information Systems. Congratulations, Gabe! Please see Mrs. Clope by the end of the day.

  • Congratulations to Sam Gronewold as he was selected as the Freshman of the Month for

March! He is active in Football, Basketball, and Baseball. Congratulations, Sam!

  •  Congratulations to Haley Smith who was selected as Sophomore of the Month for

March! She is active in Cheer and Art Club. Congratulations, Haley!

  • Congratulations to Jaden Van Winkle who was selected as Junior of the Month for

March!  She is Captain of the Dance Team.  She is also active in the Musical, Harvest Team, FCA, Chorus, GSA, Chamber Choir, and Theatre Board Secretary.  Congratulations, Jaden!

  • Congratulations Mr. Bach who was selected as Staff Member of the Month for March! Mr. Bach has been working at Farmington for 4 years. At the young age of 22, he enjoys many recreational activities such as fitness, the arts, and humanities. Mr. Bach also enjoys spending time with his beautiful and brilliant wife, Sarah and their delightful son, Oliver. Congratulations, Mr. Bach.  

  • Congratulations to March Theatre Student of the Month- Izzy Beoletto! What a talented artist and contributor to the Theatre program. Congratulations, Izzy!

  • Game club will meet Tuesday this week.

  • There will be a meeting for all football players to get fitted for jerseys and to get summer information Thursday, March 5th in the outdoor locker room.  People with after school obligations will go first and it will not take long. 

  • There will be a Key Club meeting Wednesday, March 4th, in the auditorium during activity hour.

  • Harvest Team will meet in the Research Center during Activity Hour TODAY. 

  • Drama Club officers will meet in the Research Center during Activity Hour TOMORROW. 

  • The PROMise of Hope event is an event that allows high school girls who are unable to purchase prom attire to "shop" for a FREE prom dress, shoes, purse, makeup, jewelry, and corsage. This event is Friday, March 6 from 6 - 8 pm and Saturday, March 7th from 9am - Noon. The Dream Center of Peoria is located on 714 Hamilton Blvd. A school ID card, like the one in your laptop case, is required in order to participate. Please see Mrs. White if you have any questions.

  • Do you find that you are anxious, worried, or stressed? Join our Anxiety Group on Tuesdays, starting tomorrow, March 3 at 3:15 in room 625. The group will run weekly through April 7. Come and learn new coping strategies and how to support each other. 

  • Reminder for any students taking Dual Credit courses next school year - You MUST have a completed application submitted to the school before your placement testing date.   See Mrs. Neave if you have questions or trouble completing your applications.

  • Any senior that has not verified their spelling for diploma with Brandi please stop by the office by tomorrow.

  • HS baseball practice officially begins TODAY right after school. We will meet in the high school gym.

  • The first softball practice will be today - meet in gym C.

  • March is Women in History Month. We will be honoring a famous woman in history each day this month. Queen Elizabeth I ruled England from 1558-1603. She united the kingdom, brought some sense of peace to England and also ruled England on her own without a King by her side. Upon her passing, she combined Scotland and England into one uniformed force. 

  • March is Theatre in Education Month. Be on the lookout for activities from FCHS Theatre. Fun Fact of the day: The Lion King is the highest grossing broadway show, performing almost 10,000 times and grossing nearly $1 billion dollars. 


Today’s Lunch: Bacon Cheeseburger or Farmer Nugget Bowl