Bulletin – February 26, 2020
The PROMise of Hope event is an event that allows high school girls who are unable to purchase prom attire to "shop" for a FREE prom dress, shoes, purse, makeup, jewelry, and corsage. This event is Friday, March 6 from 6 - 8 pm and Saturday, March 7th from 9am - Noon. The Dream Center of Peoria is located on 714 Hamilton Blvd. A school ID card, like the one in your laptop case, is required in order to participate. Please see Mrs. White if you have any questions.
Do you find that you are anxious, worried, or stressed? Join our Anxiety Group on Tuesdays, starting March 3 at 3:15 in room 625. The group will run weekly from March 3-April 7. Come and learn new coping strategies and how to support each other.
Farmington Central High School senior Amber Stokes will be signing a national letter of intent to attend Lincoln College in Lincoln, IL to continue her golf career. The signing will take place TOMORROW at 3:30pm in the Research Center.
Game Club will meet TODAY after school.
There will be an informational meeting for any current Junior interested in Co-Op next year TODAY during 5C in Lab 649.
Reminder for any students taking Dual Credit courses next school year - You MUST have a completed application submitted to the school before your placement testing date. See Mrs. Neave if you have questions or trouble completing your applications.
Reminder that Work-Based Learning Applications are due to Mrs. Neave by this Friday 2/28 for any student interested in participating in the program next school year.
HS baseball practice officially begins Monday, March 2nd right after school. We will meet in the high school gym.
A representative from Monmouth College will be here today during lunch hours. If you are interested in learning more about Monmouth College, please stop by.
Starting today is National FFA Week. Dress up days for the spirit week are
TODAY: Hat Day bring a dollar to wear a hat
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: Blue and Gold Day
Prizes will be awarded each day to the best dressed.
Today’s Lunch: Breadsticks/Marinara or Chicken Stir Fry