Bulletin – February 24, 2020
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad Teams that had a great day Saturday with both teams winning their Regional Competitions!
Senior Class will have a meeting TODAY in the Theatre. We will be discussing Senior Class Trip.
There will be a representative from MTI in the conference room today during 4th hour for any senior interested in speaking with him and learning more about scholarship information.
There will be an informational meeting for any current Junior interested in Co-Op next year on Wednesday, Feb. 26th during Activity period.
Seniors: ICC will be at the school TOMORROW to conduct placement testing. For any student who plans to attend ICC in the fall, this is a great opportunity to get this test out of the way. Please check your email for additional information. If you are interested, email Mrs. Neave or sign up in the front office. Space is limited for this testing session - another opportunity will be available later in the year.
Reminder for any students taking Dual Credit courses next school year - You MUST have a completed application submitted to the school before your placement testing date. See Mrs. Neave if you have questions or trouble completing your applications.
Anyone interested in trying out for Cheer for next school year, please stop by the office to sign out a packet.
Starting today is National FFA Week. Dress up days for the spirit week are
Monday: Camo Day
Tuesday: Tourist Day
Wednesday: Hat Day bring a dollar to wear a hat
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: Blue and Gold Day
Prizes will be awarded each day to the best dressed.
There will be a representative from MacMurray College here today during Activity Period and Lunch. Please stop by to visit their table in the cafeteria if you are interested in learning about their programs of study.
The following students need to see Mrs. Neave as soon as possible: Sydnee Barton, Sam Depperman, Khloe Hitchcock, Justyce Jennings, and Bridget Kalb.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Patty/Bun or Potato Bowl w/breadstick